New Year Blessing

New Year Blessing

WholeHeart Board President, Trish Alley, offers her poetry and well wishes as she dives deeply into a three month leave of absence to focus on her writing.  

New Year Blessing for WholeHeart

May you shine with the brilliance of the full moon

and bring light into the cold darkness.

May you always reflect beauty and warmth—

Finding Tempo Giusto

Finding Tempo Giusto

I’m what you would call a typical morning person. My energy peaks before noon.   For night-owls, this behavior is a total mystery.  I’m equally in awe of those who are able to have intellectual conversations after 9 o’clock pm.   I prefer watching the sun rise.  Ideas flow easily pre-dawn, and I treasure the spaciousness of uninterrupted time when most people are still sleeping. Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a new trend: my body is wanting more rest.   The sun is rising later too.  At first, I resisted this idea.  I’m a morning person after all!  I need that time for sipping coffee and puttering to begin my day.  I feel rushed without it.  When I open my eyes, the message is clear.  Go back to sleep.   I feel a tension, as I also hear:   There’s so much to do!  The end of the year is coming!  Holidays are here!  You’re wasting time.

The Mystery of Paradox

The Mystery of Paradox

I begin each month sending out an email to everyone who has been a part of one the Circles of Trust I facilitate.  I call it Living Courage.  It is a practice that calls me to the task of listening and keeping in alignment with WholeHeart’s tag line: “living on the learning edge.” Here is my reflection and experience with the Courage Principle: “An appreciation of paradox enriches our lives and helps us hold greater complexity.”

Ripples of Hope

Ripples of Hope

Each day, the breaking news breaks us.  And often not open, but into despair, disbelief and fear.  There is much to be done, and mending what is closest to us is a place to begin to re-imagine hope.

This summer, a group of community members gathered on Tuesday mornings in Greensboro, Vermont for a WholeHeart Community Conversation called “Hope Reimagined.” 

Leadership Rooted in Place

Leadership Rooted in Place

The word “leadership” can cover some tricky territory, inviting the questions: what makes a leader? Who are leaders? Is there a leadership club that requires certain qualities to belong? 

Our Intergenerational Leadership Exchanges welcomes emerging and experienced leaders. We focus on leadership at the human being level, grounded in the belief that we are all we are all leaders of our own lives. Together, across generational perspectives and areas of interest, we make up the essential elements of our communities.

On September 30th, we will hold our third Exchange.  Each gathering has a unique focus, inviting people to return each season or to come for the first time. This fall our focus and guide is the land itself at the Green Mountain Monastery.